>my big family calls me LIVELY=]
>Egg cracks--24th June
>A designer wanna-be
>i lurve pink, red, purple<3333333
>i would lurve to live at Vivocity<3
>i get mad super easily but cools down just as fast=p
>i really hope to get a loyal badge!!!
>oh yarr, i lurve my friends a lot. they are my GIRLFRIENDS!!!<3

♥TiFF -
♥♥Kel*X -
♥Wei Yan -
♥Phoebe -
♥Xena -
♥Daphne -
♥Wei yan,jia yan,leanne -
♥Jolene -
♥♥ah z. -
♥crystal[tuition friend] -
♥judith chong -
♥angeline -

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I won't be posting for quite a while cause this year is PSLE. I am going to miss my blog but please tag when you come to my blog alright?

12:06 AM

Thursday, March 13, 2008

yesterday was really really tiring for me. at first in the morning we had band exchange. AHHHHHHH!!! first time we play i didn't reach my high me!!!! solo some more leh. mc was like glaring at me can?! then we got to play a second time. finally reached it this time!!! was sooooo happy!! =DDD

when we came back to school, gotta carry chairs!! my god. but i only stacked ONE chair!!! HAHAHHAHA! then nick, gooligay, ah z. and me took a photo of our reflection on the piano. it's the BEST photo i've EVER seen!!!

hahahaha. can't really see gooligay cause she's too dark. HAHAHHA!! but no offence. [later she come after me!!! hahha]
some other photos i took....
after that we went home lorrr. but then on the way my auntie called and said she'll pick me up from the bus stop and go out for dinner. haha. guess where?? some korea BBQ place. haha. my mum was supposed to be there at around 6.15, but we ended up eating only at 8+ because my mum had some opening ceremony to attend-.-
OMG the food is damn nice!!! but too bad the waitress dropped a chunk of beef into d fire-.-

took some photos.......

got some more photos but too lazy to upload already. hahahahaahah. when i went home, i was so tired i slept in the car. hehe.i'm such a lazy pig. LOL!! gtg. byeeeeeeee<3

6:50 PM

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

OMG i'm gonna burst man. i'm warning you. if you don't reply, i'm going to delete your contact. and i am dead serious. what's the use of a phone if you don't pick up calls and reply messages???

i gotta calm down seriously!! so many stupid and complicated things happening in my life now and i have no idea what to do!!! just want somebody to talk to and yet you don't answer. luckily i still have a reliable senior who LISTENS to my troubles.

6:07 PM

Sunday, March 9, 2008

this is why i was at bugis today. to see my ex-idols-wu zun & calvin!!! haha. they still look good. hahaha. i took loads of photos but most of them are blur, because of the rain>:[

anyway, i watched the water horse yesterday. i cried a lot. only at the end. funny though, cause i'm the only one crying in the whole cinema. people obviously are getting more and more heartless these days. hahahah!!!

rain rain go away

5:05 AM

Friday, March 7, 2008

LIFE IS SHITTY. thta's all i can say at this point of time. duhhh. you just knew? Life is always like this to me. haizz. but it's worse now. plus i cried at least 1 000 000 times this week.

bad thing no. 1- My CA. my english sucks. i wanna kill myself. synthesis. how can i fail it??? i was sooo careless!!! my god. please unwind time.

bad thing no. 2- duhhh. it's obvious. truckloads of friendship problems. my big family is breaking up because of stupid words and a TEN CENT COIN!!!!! ok. i shall explain. (p) found this 10 cent coin and thought it was a piece of luck and decided to keep it. but (y), being a prefect, thought it was dishonest and told (p) to return it to the general office. but unfortunately, (p) is very sensitive and thought (y) was telling her to throw her piece of luck away. so they started to argue about it. then (x) joined in the arguement. (x)'s character is kind of stubborn, a bit harsh and has this loud voice so (y) thought (x) was shouting at her. then she stormed away crying.

later, it was chinese supplement. then (y) was crying. and then the sucker asked what heppened then (y) told her. the sucker started like rolling her eyes and saying we're bullies when she've only heard (y)s side of the story.

the next 2 days, (y) was ignoring us when she said she wasn't angry with us. so fake lorrr. then she said she wanna quitthe big family. very harsh and rush right??? everytime like this 1. last time we quarrel also say she wanna quit. haizz.then (x) started to be really really angry.

then i started to fume yesterday. cause (y) used me to get info in our discussion with the rest. i hate it when i'm being used. and all my good friends should know that. yet she used me. haizz.

k. that's the story. i feel like crying again. ='[

7:45 PM

Monday, February 25, 2008

the time we took to become enemies amazes me. remember the time when we were still friends? remember the time when you were still in our big family? now you are not anymore. and you should know that by heart. i bet now you are living in despair and regrett, scolding yourself why you were so brave enough to betray me and han yi and become an outcast of the big family. right? if you're not, you're not human. you're a devil sent to bring us human beings unhapiness.

I'm no bad person. i've just had enough. ever since p5, i trusted you with my secrets and you blurted them out again and again. and me? i was retarded enough to forgive you again. and now, i'm not going to forgive anymore, you sucker!!! that's what you are, a total sucker and loser! everytime you betray me, i'll just feel anger. this time, it's sadness. i ask myself why is it me that you have to pick on and betray??? why me?? considering how i've treated you, what you did to me was totally disgusting. you've hurt me so deep emotionally and got me into so much trouble.

even looking at you makes me wanna puke. for goodness sake, stop trying to make up with ue larrr. you've already made our blood run cold and never in a million years will we forgive you!! even if you get whatever illness and will die soon, we'll not care. no now, not ever.

11:15 PM

Sunday, February 17, 2008

helloooooooooooooooo!!!!! I'm back!!! Lonnnnnnggggg time no post... hahahaha. scanned some of my photos and decided to upload them... ENJOY my photos........................i bet this was when i was 7++climbing a mountain=D

with my ex- BFF[that was a long long time ago. but we still keep in touch.

hmmm... i think im 7++ in this photo

my gosh! how can such a cutie turn into such a ugly me??? =[

i was at the zooooo. wait, maybe the birdpark... haha. long time ago, can't remember properly.

hahahahaha. the youngest driver ever...

what was i doing??? hahahahaha

see the front teeth? after getting it plucked, i went to the birdpark as an 'award'... hahaha!!!

playing at science centre... hahaha!

with my childhood BFFs... i grew up with them and did everything with them. <33333333>

i'm p3 in this photo... i think=p

ok... that's all.. haha. enjoyed?? thank you thank you... hahaha. gotta go. byeeeeee!!!

2:11 AM